I decided to take my time with Karin Jurick’s Different Strokes From Different Folks challenge. I focused on the perspective, values and painting “just what you see” like Karin suggested. I used just three colors, Winsor Newton Cadmium Red, Rembrandt Yellow Ochre Light and Ultramarine Deep, plus Utrecht Titanium White.

Someday I must make a goal for myself to do these challenges with less brushstrokes, limit my time spent and not get caught up in the detail. Aside from that I feel I learned a lot from this challenge and am quite pleased with my results. Be sure to check all the amazing submissions on the 52nd-54th week challenge on DSFDF blog.
Update: I've had this blog since the first of the year and participated in DSFDF challenges each month since. Thanks to the dedication of Karin Jurick and all her hard work on her DSFDF blog, she has made it possible for artists near and far to connect and be challenged.It has been a humbling experience to receive so many encouraging comments on my work from artist whom I admire and respect. Thank you so much!