Meat & Veggies

Meat & Veggies
oil on canvas 5x7

Sarah Sedwick of Daily Paintworks challenged artist to paint raw meat. I found this subject very challenging at first. Once I figured out the colors for raw meat I found it quite enjoyable to paint. Thanks for this great challenge, Sarah!

Eskie on White

Eskie on White
oil on gessoed panel

This painting is part of the Daily Paintworks "White on White Challenge" posted by Ann Feldman. I wanted to focus on painting dogs plus work on my values this week, so this weeks challenge was perfect timing for me. I painted this little Eskie (American Eskimo) in the past and thought his soft white fur would be a great way to study color and value in light and shadow.

Thanks Ann for this great challenge on finding color in white subjects.

Road Closed

"Road Closed"
© 2012 Carol Horzempa
6x8oil on canvas

This painting is part of the "Wheel Challenge" posted by Carol Carmichael on Daily Paintworks. For inspiration I used a photo I took several years ago of a flooded street in Pewaukee Village. Carol challenged artist to paint something with wheels and the freedom they give us. These two boys seem to be looking for a little adventure on just two wheels!