San Francisco Victorian

"San Francisco Victorian"
oil on canvas

This is my submission for Karin Jurick’s DSFDF Challenge. What a challenge this was, but I did have fun painting the sky and windows. I might try painting architecture again but not three story buildings.


  1. Yes! I like this very much! The sky with birds does it real special. Want to live in your turret! I want it by Lake Michigan in Racine, Wisconsin.

  2. It turned out beautiful! I'm glad you put the birds in they look great!

  3. Amazing how you were able to get all that detail in the painting. Of course I adore the gulls... have to be gulls right? because of it being SF?

  4. Elaine - Thanks, I'm glad you can imagine yourself living in that turret by Lake Michigan, but that's a lot of stairs for you to climb.

  5. Carrie and Sheila, Thank for your comment on my birds. I finally had to resort to using my rigger to paint sea gulls and some of the other details. Now back to larger brushes, I've had enough of detail work!

  6. Yep, that's a San Francisco victorian all right - with the fog rolling in and the sea gulls - very nice additions! Beautiful job, Carol!

  7. All these angles were a real challenge and you really did a great job. Your cropping makes it interesting and the sky and birds really make it work. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog so I could see yours. Your art is full of skill and soul.

  8. If someone gave me that turret to live in by the water with sea gulls overhead, even at age 70 I would climb those long stairs to get there.

  9. You are such a good artist! Of all the paintings of that building, yours is the one that captures the unseen atmosphere. I can smell the water, feel the fog, and hear the gulls.

  10. Mary (artbymj) - Thank you so much for your comment on my work. It really means a lot to me.

  11. Elaine- Thanks for visiting my blog again. I'm pleased that my painting has stimulated your imagination so much!

  12. Carol, I know I tagged you before and you were so gracious. I am giving you an Art Blog Award now. Cut and Paste from mine. You deserve it.

  13. Carol, you really did capture the atmosphere, I'd guess you've been there!

  14. Hello Carol
    This looks a difficult subject but I like how you have created the feeling of height in the structure.

  15. Thanks Robin, it's been years but I guess I have a good memory.

  16. Hi Trevor - This was a very challenging subject, I'm afraid I had to go very realistic to make it believable.

  17. Love your view!! I really like the way you broke up the edges on the roof!

  18. Thank your Theresa, I'm glad you noticed that!

  19. Wonderful, Carol! Your crop gives it such a free, head in the clouds feel.

  20. Linny - Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments. I checked your blog and love your amazing colorful urban scenes.
