Blue Highway

"Blue Highway"
oil on canvas

This is a landscape I did a while ago in Shelby Keefe's workshop. I forgot to bring a photo to paint from that day so she let me use one of hers. I first painted an orange and blue under painting in acrylic then the rest in oil. The painting is only 9X12 so I was able to finish it in one day.


  1. Beautiful colors, composition and brush strokes. Love it.

  2. I love how I can get lost in thought, traveling down that blue highway to who knows where....

  3. Thanks Cherie (cupofjoeartshow) for stoping by and your nice commpliment on my work. I am looking forward to your next DSFDF submission.

    Sheila - That highway is taking you south where ever you would like to go.

  4. What a fun highway! I hope the shocks in your truck are good though, it looks a little bumpy!

    I'm amazed and envious that you could paint this all in one day. I can never seem to get the paint to cover in one pass. Guess the acrylic underpainting must help with that.

  5. Oh I love this blue road. What a great piece. It takes you to the orange country and then the purple house is waiting to see you walk in. Ok there goes my mind again with your work. Thanks

  6. Dominique - Thank you for your comment and noticing so much in my painting. This is actually a scene near Mineral Point Wisconsin.

  7. r garriott - I normally don't paint fast, in fact usually it takes me 3 days at the least. With this one I had to work fast since I was borrowing a photo. I think acrylic under painting does make it go faster and exciting things happen that you wouldn't expect like the blue highway which I was planning to paint typical asphalt color. I sure wouldn't want to drive on a highway that bumpy though

  8. Your colors are magnifique! I loved your post 7 things about you, that's so interesting about the blind man lol!

  9. Rachel - Thanks for checking my blog and your the nice compliment, I really appreciate it.

  10. Such a wonderful play of colors. It is beautiful. Nice job.

  11. Thanks for the nice post on my blog. I love the color choices you made on this painting,
    great painting

  12. Thanks Dori Dewberry! I feel guilty posting this painting since it's not currant but with all this praise and encouragement I think I will try some more landscapes maybe even with blue highways.

  13. Conrad - Thanks for checking my blog and your nice comment about my painting.

  14. Edward - Thanks so much for your nice comment on my painting.

  15. I love the underpainting showing through the oil layer. It's very energizing. Thanks for visiting my blog - it gave me a great opportunity to come here and see your work, which I am enjoying!

  16. Hillary - Thank you for checking my blog and your encouraging comments on my work!

  17. I love the colors in this ... beautiful!

    Hi Carol, I found your blog through Kelley MacDonald's blog ... it looks like you and I have similar career backgrounds (and love for pets!)

    I look forward to seeing much more of your art!

  18. Hello Carol
    This is a stunning vibrant painting, which I like a great deal.

  19. Hi Karen - I'm glad you found my blog. Thank you for your very nice comment my work! This gives me a lot of encouragement to do more landscapes and pet portraits, my two favorite subjects.

  20. Yes, Carol, please bring it on! You are so good!

  21. Camille - Thank you for encouraging me to bring it on! I can't wait until a more colorful season arrives. It's pretty white around here but maybe I can find another blue highway to paint.

  22. Trevor - Thank for your wonderful comment on my painting! I am amazed at the response on this one. It has been hiding in my studio for so long and I really liked it but didn't know if anyone else would. I am really encouraged to try getting more creative with color.

  23. I just love this one. The color decisions are so joyful and still making sense. A very inviting road I'd like to go down.

  24. Thank you Mona for stopping by and you wonderful comments on my Blue Highway painting!

  25. Brilliant colours Carol! I really like the colours in this one, and the composition does such a great job of pulling you in. I really enjoy your site.

  26. Thank you Jennifer for stopping by I'm glad you like my colors and enjoy my blog. I guess I should do more landscapes like this. I am amazed at the response I had on this painting!

  27. love the colours on this one, ace piece.
